Dr. KRISTINE FRECK,Ph.D, LMFT, MA. Spiritual Direction Certification
Psychotherapy, Trauma, Chemical Dependency, Spiritual Direction, Santa Barbara Therapist
(805) 679-3003
Space is limited. Sign up below by May 1st.
What is Boot Camp for the Soul?
Boot Camp for the Soul is an educational and spiritual based experience for individuals that have a desire to honestly look at their lives, both past and present, to uncover and overcome barriers that are holding them back from living the life they want. Through a series of five, individual weekly sessions, we will look honestly at the challenges you face and create actionable steps to move you in a positive life direction.
We will 1) conduct an extensive ‘State of the Union’ life review
2) determine specific behaviors and patterns that limit and sabotage your life 3) create personalized strategies to address your unique patterns and 4) evaluate and refine the changes being implemented.
Who is Boot Camp for the Soul for?
Sign up now! Deadline is May 1st.
This series is not for everyone. If you are currently challenged or stuck in your life due to events in your past or face current circumstances that may seem insurmountable, ask yourself the following questions. If you answer yes to these prerequisites, Boot Camp for the Soul can truly be the start of a new beginning for your life:
Are you honest? Honesty with and about yourself will be imperative to your growth in this process.
Are you willing? You must have a willingness to take seriously your commitment to do the work this process will require (including weekly written assignments).
Are you self-aware? You must have an awareness that you are and have been on a "soul" or spiritual journey throughout your life. Boot Camp for the Soul is open to all religions and spiritual beliefs.
"Kristine goes deep into the soul level questioning and understanding of this life. She has a beautiful ability to put words to the emotions that I feel I have no language. Seeking out her counsel has been the most awakening endeavor that I have pursued and I hope all who feel lost do the same. It will open your eyes and uproot you from the world you thought you knew - and once you know, you can't un-know it."
How it works
This course is limited to a select number of participants. After you sign up above, you will be contacted to schedule your first session with Kristine. During the first session, you will book the remaining 4 sessions.
Full payment of $1000 is due at your first session. No insurance or refunds.
For questions or more information, call Kristine at (805) 679-3003.